Pfiesteria questions


Active member
Hi there,

I just read "The Science of Pfiesteria: Elusive, Subtle, and Toxic" from 11 October 2002 Vol. 298 of Science ( Is anyone here familiar with this article and / or this situation? I am a little confused about some things.

Does anyone know exactly how much money JoAnn Burkholder to build a new lab and a large biosafe facility? It must be at least 1.75 million.

Also, in the Journal of Phycology, they stated a NOAA team using molecular techniques apparently found that P. piscicida had a normal dinoflagellage life cycle. Is this for positive?

A team led by Wolfgang Vogelbein found that these dinos killed fish but that water separated from the algal cells did not harm fish. That seems like pretty good evidence to me that the dinos don't produce any toxins.

Burkholder seems to make a big deal about the poor quality of the Tilapia culture conditions. Aren't tilapia pretty tough fish?

Do you know of any evidence that there is a symbiotic prokaryote that produces the toxin?

Thank you!