PFO Pendant Plus


Premium Member
Hi All,
I understand that Jeremy is out this week so I thought I would post on your forum. I purchased the awesome made PFO Pendant Plus with the 2x28W PC Ballast and Fixture. Unfortunately, it did not come with any manual or warranty info. It has two cords coming out of the pendant. One of the plugs appears to be European. Not sure which cord turns on what inside the pendant, there is the fan, MH and actinics inside the pendant. What do I do about the European plug? Can you enlighten me on all this?
Hi Rebecca,

The power cord, standard 110v three pront is for the pc actinics, which have a built in ballast inside the fixture and the fan as well. The other three prong that is "odd" looking is actually made to plug into a PFO ballast, or you can get an Icecap conversion kit that will wire to your ballast. If you don't want to do that you can always just chop off that plug, strip the wires back and hard wire directly to your Icecap ballast.

I thought you were on vacation. :)

Yeah, we....I mean Dave :) will cut the plug and then wire it to the Ice Cap ballast.

Hey we got the MH lights working and they look awesome. They give off some great shimmer lighting in the tank. The LR goes in the main tank tomorrow. I am so excited.

I will be out of town for two weeks April 11-25 so I want to get the tank cycling while we are gone.

BTW, I am the FIRST person to post on your new EuroReef forum on PA. Yeah. Hey, can I change the password PA gave me to one I can remember????
Yes, I am actually down in Florida right now. Today is the first today I have checked back in since Friday, so that was a good while for me to be away from the computer!! LOL I will be back in the office on Monday.

Glad to hear you like the light. That particular pendant is one of the nicest pendants on the market!!!