pH Help/Soa Lime Lead


Active member
So, for some reason a few weeks ago my ph started to nose dive. I haven't made any significant changes to the tank other than to replumb and install a new return.

Now I can't get my ph above 8.0.

I've recalibrated my ph probe - reinstalled the firmware on the RKL and SL1.

Right now I am bubbling a cup of tank water outside to see what that yields.

My calc is 420+
Alk at 175 ppm
po4 0

sal 1.027

temp 82

I've just tested the water after being aerated - it jumped from 7.7 to 8.2 in just over two hours. I would say thats pretty good evidence of elevated C02 levels?

So what options do I have now. I never heard of anyone having this problem in CA - where its so temperate most places by the coast don't even have ACs. When I was living in LA we kept the windows open all day - pretty easy when you live on the8th floor, but I'm on the 1st here... not comfortable with just leaving my house open when I'm gone
yeah doc - i'd like to throw some in my reactor and see what happens. How much do you think I'll need for, oh, I dunno, a weeks of testing?

I followed your build about 6 months ago - I think you were briefing me on the problem when we met for a power outage. is this the method you're currently using to keep ur ph in check?

How long does a canister last ya?
yeah doc - i'd like to throw some in my reactor and see what happens. How much do you think I'll need for, oh, I dunno, a weeks of testing?

I followed your build about 6 months ago - I think you were briefing me on the problem when we met for a power outage. is this the method you're currently using to keep ur ph in check?

How long does a canister last ya?

Canister-full of sodalime lasts about 10days. Yea, still use the CO2 scrubber. I bought the 37lb bucket of sodalime on wayfair for $88 shipping incl.; now I think it is over $100. I started with the 3lb bags from

a Canister-full should be all you need to get started and to notice a difference(less than 1lb). I noticed a difference within 1 day of starting the CO2 scrubber.
Maybe im wrong, but i dont see an issue with Ph below 8. Mine currently runs between 7.8 and 8, and i see no negative effects.

If i wrong, some one please correct me.
Aquaman: I think your probably right as long as the tank stays north of 7.8

Mine is getting as low as 7.7 and thats kinda freaking me out. I can tell the corals arnt as happy now as when the ph is north of 8.0.

Right now, even with the refugium lighting off cycle my tank is at 7.71 - it swings up to 7.9 during the diurnal cycle.