

  • yes i run a phos reactor

    Votes: 21 70.0%
  • no i dont use a phos reactor

    Votes: 9 30.0%

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i kno phosphates are definitly present in my tank and im just wondering how many of you are running a phosban reactor?
I do not have a phosban reactor, but I do have a phosphate removing media in tank, all the water that runs through my skimmer, then exits and runs through the media.
I've tried several of the phosphate removal liquid products with varying degrees of success. The most consistent results, though, have been with a phophate reactor and media.
lol its kinda funny but i sort of agreed with my girl that im getting a little ridiculous with spending all my $ on my tank (spent well over $1000 since aug) and agreed not to spend all my $ on my tank and start saving for other things :rolleyes: but before i do that i still have one last thing to buy :D im trying to decide if it should be a phos reactor or sum new bulbs for my mh's .... im leaning towards anything thats guna give me better water quality (since im trying to get into SPS) but at the same time i really need new bulbs.. so will it be worth it to invest in a phos reactor before not being able to spend money on my tank until the fragswap?
i just got one a couple of days ago without the extension kit (imo it should come with it.) without it the hose can't do a 90 degree so the tubing gets in the way. I am ordering the extension kit later tonight.
dude, phosban over new bulbs, no question. MH bulbs can keep a decent ammount of lighting output for something like almost 3 years. The color will shift to your eyes, but if you never notice/care, your corals will continue to get similar ammounts of PAR. If nothing else, down the line throw $50 down and buy some used bulbs or something. I've only once used new bulbs. I used to run year old XM 10ks, then I broke them and had to buy new hamiltons because I needed bulbs in a pinch, and now I'm running 6 month old XM 10ks again. My corals only slow down because of pests, never because of light.
well the bulbs i have are diffent brands so they dont match exactly which is why i want new bulbs ... hopfully when i finally hook up my actinics itll be less noticable but im definitly leaning towards a phos reactor
You can pick up a reactor for about $30 new (don't forget your FMAS discount). The media can get expensive, but PhosBan is relatively cheap. I teed mine up to existing plumbing so I don't need an additional pump.
31.49 on sale at drs foster and smith. I got mine at Coral Reef Farm for about the same with my FMAS discount.
hey brother. im using phosban in my tank. works great. took 24-48 to eliminate the PO4. i bought ViaAqua Poly-Reactor (Multi-Media Reactor instead of the phosban reactor. works better and it comes with pump