I find Adobe do be the best resource, and have bought several video training DVD's and been very happy with them. The best books I've seen is Adobe's 'Classroom in a Book' series. Currently studying the Photoshop CS3 version, and thoroughly enjoy it. The before and after photos are included (so you can see exactly what your results 'should' look like) and that helps tremendously. I have been using Photoshop since it first came out, but have much more to learn (there's really a lot in this program); not to mention the things I have yet to learn about all the other programs that came with the CS3 package I bought (design premium). Illustrator still gives me fits, and I haven't even started using Dreamweaver or Flash yet. I'm planning on doing all I can on my own to break into the graphic arts field. I'm currently re-touching and cropping a set of wedding photos for my son, who shot over 1,200 photos at a wedding, for a friend, and then never presented them to them yet. He's a nurse in intensive care, third-shift, and watches their daughter in the daytime, so he has very little time to spare, and what free time he finds, he is fixing up their second house to move into it.