Photosynthetic gorgonians


New member
1st off sorry I couldn't find a more applicable forum for this anyway, I've been reading about gorgonians and it says some are hermatypic and some are ahermatypic. But thismwas really vague and considering all the good advice I have gotten on this forum I figured this would be a good start. There are some gorgonians I have looked into, I'm not getting my hopes up or anything but I just want to know which of these species a NPS and which are not (I'm assuming that all of these are NPS but it never hurts to check:)),
Muriceopsis flavida
Diodogorgia nodulifera
Eunicea* sp.
Pseudopterogorgia sp.
Pterogorgia citrina
If these are all NPS can you tell me one that isn't?
Thanks in advance
Take a look on live aquaria they some good descriptions of gorgonians. Also, there is a NPS forum that may be of some help
Muriceopsis flavida Photsynthetic
Diodogorgia nodulifera NPS
Eunicea* sp. Photsynthetic
Pseudopterogorgia sp. Photosynthetic
Pterogorgia citrine Photosynthetic
If these are all NPS can you tell me one that isn't?
Thanks in advance

Got this info from LA descriptions
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