phytoplankton, when to dose?


New member
when is the best time to dose live phytoplankton and should the skimmer be turned off, if so, for how long. Thanks
I'd turn it off for a little bit to give more time for it to be suspended in the water, maybe a half hour or so. As for when, don't think it really matters, I never used a specific time of day. Though I know some corals extend feeders more at night, so maybe doing it at night is best?
I agree, at least after dark where the photosynethic has stopped and feed tentacles are out.
My regime is lights out filters and skimmer off, add some polyp booster, wait 15 minutes, Amino Acids and vitamin, wait 15 minutes, then add the phyto, wait 30 minutes, then turn all filters skimmer back on.

Each day I change from phyto, to zoo, from zoo to reef roids, then to cyclops, then 3 days nothing, repeat.
Generally I feed at night after the tank lights have just gone off. In my case, that's PhytoFeast, OysterFeast, and ReefRoids dosed simultaneously every evening. I don't personally turn the skimmer off, since I've observed that the tank clears about 30 minutes later whether the skimmer's on or off, and the OysterFeast component has so much in the way of foam-inhibiting oils that the skimmer's not functioning anyway. But in theory, yes, it'd make sense to turn the skimmer off.