pic of my cespitularia


Premium Member

I figured I would show the community a pic of my cespitularia.

After giving up on trying to purchase it online. I finally scored on
a lucky trip to the lfs. Three little frags were growing on a cherry acan. I begged the worker there to cut it off for me. I tried to expain to them what it was but they didnt seem to want to touch the 250 dollar lps. It took me two trips and three differnt people but they finally fragged it off for me. I still dont think they realize what they had.

I have read that cespitularia can be more sensitive than the other xenids so I gave a frag to a local reefer. So if mine or his craches hopefully well still have something.

Anyways here are pics of the two of the three frags which I got a little over a month ago. They are doing suprisingly well and have shown some growth.

Hopefully, in the distant future Ill have some to sell or trade.

man those things grow so slow i have had mine for about a year and its onlu about 4 inches tall
That sounds like a nice rate.

Do you have pic?

What kind of light and temperature do you run?

Mine hasnt grown xenia speed. But its growing.