Pic of my favorite Mexican Reef


New member


The CarlosÃ"šÃ‚´ tank really is beautiful... in the pic... and more in person...

Pewe... is good to see you here...;)

Greetings from Mexico City.
- 94g

- 2 400w 20K XM (11 hrs)
- 1 400w 20K Radium (9 hrs)
- 1 250w 10K Hamilton (9hrs)
- 2 VHO 95w actínicas (14 hrs)
- 2 moon lights CSL

- Calcium reactor Korallin 3002

- Euro Reef CS6-2 and Nautilus

- Ozonizer Sanders (50mg/24/7)
Thanks a lot because of your comments. I love my tank and mainly sps, it has like two years and it is so great to see it.
I hope add some pics more so soon, and thanks to Pewe to consider my tank to this topic.:D :D
Thanks for the "welcome" nihonjin_anemone... ;)

How Carlos said... "itÃ"šÃ‚´s so great to see it"... His tank is dominated by beautiful Acros :eek1:

Simply one of the best reef tanks here in Mexico...
