Pick out a camera for me.

Jeremy Blaze

Former Reef Addict
Okay, my cheap digital died, so now I have a good excuse to get a good camera.

I want a digital SLR.

I have limited my budget to $600 total,

what should I get?
A nice point and shoot like the S5 or G7. ;)

$600 can get you into a consumer grade DSLR but leaves no money for lenses; the thing that really matters on a SLR.
I think it's a good idea if you can afford it. Don't get too crazy getting expensive lens if you are new to DSLR. Play with the kit lens and learn as much as possible with it.
When you think you out-grow your kit lens, you'll know what lens you really want next.

Also, you may want to invest some money on tripod. Use a quality tripod that is good enough to support the weight of your camera & lens.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12352221#post12352221 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rosseau
For $400 you can have my XTi.
got any lenses for sale...

i would say go with a DSLR wether the XT, XT or D40. this way you are always able to upgrade the lense type to fit your spesific needs wether it be aquarium photography, landscapes or just of your family. you wont regret it.