Picking on the scoly


New member
Has anyone ever heard of or seen a yellow tang pick on corals? My scoly has been looking bad lately and my wife pointed out that the tang has been picking at it all day (must be nice to stay home). I have noticed him nipping at it a few times but just blew it off as he was getting food. Is it possible a tang could hurt this coral?
how does the scoly eat? does he filter feed or do you target feed? When I had tubastrea (sun Coral) the fish picked up on the fact it took the coral a second to actually eat when I would feed. In other words the fish would take food out of the corals mouth. Could be a theory and an obsessive compulsive fish?
I target feed a couple times a week and when I do I "shew" the fish away until it closes up. Usually the tang does not try to steal food.
i had a large purple tang years ago that would pick at my welisophylia , he would make his rounds picking about the tank in a particular routine, simply moving your scolly to a different location in your tank may keep your fish from picking at it , also make your he is getting enough to eat an algae clip and some nori is something i try to keep my tangs full through the day if there is not enough for him to graze on in your tank , another thing that can be done to break up his routine is the cut the top of a 1 or 2 liter coke bottle off and put it over your coral drilling small holes in it and leaving the cap off to allow water flow thru the bottle half .... also works great to spot feed the coral when fish , crabs and other tank mates from stealing its food away.
When its time for mass genocide on aptasia my Vlamingi tang will join in on the action and attack the aptasia. He tries to deal the killing blow after the kalk works its magic. I wouldn't put it past a tang to attack scoly either.
The tang is picking on it and it needs s better home. Id gladly get the scoly from u. Lmao. Hope he starts to looking better soon.