Pics of my 210 :)


New member
So it's been awhile that I've been saying I will post new pics, finally got my butt in gear so here they are! The tank is a 210, I have pretty much only been focusing on the fish stock in the tank and after the holidays start stocking it with sps, my eventual goal will be a sps only reef. Enjoy the pics of my babies (my camera sucks so out of about 50 pictures these are the best, lol)

Full tank shot:


My carpet anemone (gotten huge!) and Black & White clown pair:


My Regal Angel, have had at least 4 or 5 months now:


My pride and joy; my Achillies!! Have had 2 or so months now, man they are hard to get a good pic of, such fast movers:


My super fat blonde naso:


Big boys together:


Best pic I could get of everybody, I have a lot of fish in there, figured I would only highlight the bigger guys otherwise there would be wayyyy too many pics on this thread:


Hope you enjoyed!

Tracey2 -- The return pump is a reeflo snapper (want to switch to a dart at some point) and then (4) koralia 4's on a wavemaker

itswayner -- yes the carpet is a beast, i would say about 14 or so inches across, the clowns are very spoiled indeed :)

gophilau & elijaher -- yea the coraline is all messed up looking, took pics day after doing 90 gallon waterchange and moving all the rocks around, it will look back to normal in a few weeks

cantonesefish -- got the regal local (orlando, fl)

thanks for the comments everyone!