Pics of my new zoos


New member
Never been in the zoanthind section on RC, no sure exactly what kind I have but they look cool and are doing well.


I always wondered what their zoas looked like, I have thought about ordering before but, always pushed it back because I wasn't sure exactly what you get. Looks like I will have to order some off them in the near future.
well the divers den is wysiwyg so you cna pick out the ones you want, plus the shipping is only 29 bucks no box charge or anything
Azurel- If u get zoos that aren't in the divers de, could you post a pic so that i can see what they are like?
Yea I will sometime, not sure when I will do it though got some property taxes coming in the next week that need to be payed:(. So that will push it off for awhile.
I have some friends that have purchased zoas from them that were not in the wysiwyg area and they were fantastic looking.

For those of you that are close to that area in WI, they are having thier second annual frag swap. I didn't go last year, but appearently they give tours of their facility. I am planning on bringing lots o' frags up there this summer, but really interested in checking out there new aquaculture facility.