Pics of the tortugas (Pic HEavy)


New member
Here are some pics of my families recent trip to the tortugas. Sadly I was not able to go with them :(

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heres the family

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most of these pictures were taken by my thirteen year old brother Ryan

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If you would like to see more I have a photo bucket account my account name there is also thejiro

Hope you enjoyed
it always hits a funny bone whenever i see wild pics of things ihave in my tank, lol...kinda makes me want to take one, knowing that it's free LOL!
SWEET pictures!!!! I hope I get to do that someday!

and Gimplar, I sometimes show video clips in class. It's cool that the kids see them on the video and then in the tanks! I couldn't have told you the exact names of these things 6 months ago, now I can tell you their names, breeding habits, aggression levels, eating habits, street address, social securtiy number and mother's maiden name (ok maybe it's a stretch on those last 3).

I hope I get to go diving one day. What an experience!!! ...and great photography! Thanks for sharing.
Those pictures are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

I want to charter a sailboat and go to the Tortugas. One day!!