It has been a while since I looked at my tank and was somewhat happy. While on my Canada trip in June my tank suffered some massive losses. One of my breakers tripped and the chiller and tunze power heads where off. The person watching the tank never really notice until the fish and corals started dying .
I have suffered a sever case of GHA ever since. I have been slowly winning the battle and now, although I still have some, it is no longer depressing to look at the tank. So.... I decided to take some pics and thought I would share a couple.
Check out the RBTA in the one pic, most people say that in captivity the bubbles in the tentacles shrink and they don't ever look the same. This guy has been in my tank for over 2 years. The funny thing is that I can't remember the last time I fed it directly, I don't think it has ever looked better. The tank is a 90, the Blue tang is over 5" to give you a comparison of its size. I would say it is 8" across. The SPS behind the stag above the RBTA, I am not sure what it is, came from the swap last year, it is about the size of a hard ball.
The second pic is also frags from the same swap. The green digi was about an inch and now is lager than a softball, same with the two to the right, the green monti and purple monti. The pink digi was about an inch as well and has been fragged several times. The hammer is one of my first frags, it was originally 2 heads, after it split into 4 heads it broke into two pieces (2 heads each). This is one of the pieces, they both now have over 40 heads, the one in the pic is about 7" across.
I need to start fragging
I have suffered a sever case of GHA ever since. I have been slowly winning the battle and now, although I still have some, it is no longer depressing to look at the tank. So.... I decided to take some pics and thought I would share a couple.
Check out the RBTA in the one pic, most people say that in captivity the bubbles in the tentacles shrink and they don't ever look the same. This guy has been in my tank for over 2 years. The funny thing is that I can't remember the last time I fed it directly, I don't think it has ever looked better. The tank is a 90, the Blue tang is over 5" to give you a comparison of its size. I would say it is 8" across. The SPS behind the stag above the RBTA, I am not sure what it is, came from the swap last year, it is about the size of a hard ball.
The second pic is also frags from the same swap. The green digi was about an inch and now is lager than a softball, same with the two to the right, the green monti and purple monti. The pink digi was about an inch as well and has been fragged several times. The hammer is one of my first frags, it was originally 2 heads, after it split into 4 heads it broke into two pieces (2 heads each). This is one of the pieces, they both now have over 40 heads, the one in the pic is about 7" across.
I need to start fragging