pinched mantle danger to anything else or just clams?


so I bought a small clam at Imac. My gut was telling me no but I did anyway. The little guy has succeeded in delivering pinched mantle to my other three clams. while I hate the thought of not doing whatever I can to save them, they are all attached to larger rocks on the bottom of my tank so removal is pretty much not an option. Sadly I fear I will lose them all but in the process learn a valuable lesson about clam selection. I have two questions.
first is pinched mantle a threat to any of the other tank inhabitants coral and fish mainly? and if I do end up loosing them all is there a time period before introducing another clam into my tank safely?
Same thing happened to me a couple of months ago.

I currently have 4 clams (maxima, crocea, and 2 hippopus). My maxima and crocea developed pinched mantle shortly after introducing the 2 hippopus'. The crocea was the only one attached to a rock, so I carefully sliced the threads with a knife.

I gave all 4 a 30 minute FW bath. It only took one FW dip to cure the crocea. I don't know how PM effects hippopus since it doesn't extend it's mantle over the shell. I only needed one FW dip for those 3.

It took four, 30 minute FW baths to cure the maxima, with the last two dips including Seachem's Reef Dip (iodine-based).
I may give that a try if I can get them off. I did move my maxima once by slicing the foot and he made it so I may go for it. thanks.
Good luck!

If your maxima also has trouble fighting it initially, I waited 5 days between each of the 4 dips I did on mine. So, don't allow him to attach right away, in case the treatment has to last for a couple of weeks.
well I know this isn't the clam forum but I must say after about 20 minutes in a freshwater bath all three clams look suprisingly better. So thanks for not letting me just sit back and watch my clams die. I apprieciate the fact that no one even answered the question about how long to wait after they all die.