Bill Shultz
New member
Hello all,
I've got a 55 gallon FOWLR setup and it is home to a porcupine puffer, a small yellow tang, and until recently a beautiful pinktail trigger. The pinktail has moved into my quarantine tank (with the permanent resident clownfish) because about 2 months ago the pinktail suddenly stopped eating and began to hide almost 24 hrs a day. The change was almost overnight and he went from actively eating and swimming to his current state of being so subdued that you can grab him by hand, and now he just lays on the bottom of the tank.
My water parameters haven't changed much, but I'm wrestling with nitrates (~50-80ppm) and hoping that my remote DSB will kick in soon to help get these under control.
Otherwise, my parameters are:
Salinity 1.025
Temp: 79
Ammonia: zero
Nitrite: zero
pH: 8.2
I don't test for anything else. I do about a 25% water change monthly (unless I'm trying to knock my nitrates down further, and so I've been doing about 25% every two weeks lately.) I run carbon and phosphate remover.
I have tried force feeding him shrimp and even tube feeds with limited success.
Anyone have any ideas, or had experience with similar unexplained behavior?
I've got a 55 gallon FOWLR setup and it is home to a porcupine puffer, a small yellow tang, and until recently a beautiful pinktail trigger. The pinktail has moved into my quarantine tank (with the permanent resident clownfish) because about 2 months ago the pinktail suddenly stopped eating and began to hide almost 24 hrs a day. The change was almost overnight and he went from actively eating and swimming to his current state of being so subdued that you can grab him by hand, and now he just lays on the bottom of the tank.
My water parameters haven't changed much, but I'm wrestling with nitrates (~50-80ppm) and hoping that my remote DSB will kick in soon to help get these under control.
Otherwise, my parameters are:
Salinity 1.025
Temp: 79
Ammonia: zero
Nitrite: zero
pH: 8.2
I don't test for anything else. I do about a 25% water change monthly (unless I'm trying to knock my nitrates down further, and so I've been doing about 25% every two weeks lately.) I run carbon and phosphate remover.
I have tried force feeding him shrimp and even tube feeds with limited success.
Anyone have any ideas, or had experience with similar unexplained behavior?