Planktonic-feeding triggers and lionfishes compatibility

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While these concerns are too general and triggers can be separated as plankton (like Xanthichthys) and non-plankton eaters, the goal of this thread is to clarify if "Planktonic-feeding triggers and lionfishes are compatible or not"

Please, reply here with the fishes references only if you had an experience with planktonic-feeding triggers and lionfishes.

I have had a Blue Throat Trigger nip at a Lionfish fins before. Now on that note, I don't know if that was out of curiosity or aggression, but it happened.
What type of Lionfish and the tank size did you have?

Did the Trigger just nip the Lionfish and they lived together after that?
It was a Radiata Lion. I saw the trigger 5 times with my own eyes. Now it could have been many more while I was at work, sleep, or away. They live together during all of this. The trigger never faced off with the lion. He would always come from the back or the top. It was almost the like the trigger was playing games. He would nip the fin and soon as my lion reacts, the trigger would take off into the rocks. So I don't know if you want to call that aggression or just being spiteful.
Hi humaguy,

In the main topic I asked to avoid general opinions and just share personal experience.

Kept a Blue Throat trigger with numerous volitans lions without any issues. Great little fish, unfortunately a Miniatus grouper took him out.
Hi Puks,

Yeah, I read that and did. It is a bad idea.


To the OP, you'll have to check out humaguy's threads and you'll see that he has LOTS of experience with triggers (hence the name 'humaguy') and many other species. His opinion is based on this experience.

That said, I have to agree with him. I know that there are many examples of puffer and triggers that do not chew on lionfish spines. The problem is that this is the exception and not the rule. The rule is that puffers (definitely including arothron spp) and triggers are more likely to chew on lionfish than not. This brings two issues; 1) the lionfish could be killed, 2) the puffer/trigger could get spined and end up dying. Neither of these options are rare and neither would be very nice to experience. I would recommend just skipping the lionfish altogether and then you can still have the puffer(s) and trigger(s). In my fish keeping experience those fishes are MUCH more enjoyable due to their personalities. Lionfish are just kind of boring in my opinion/experience.
Guys, I really appreciate the replies. But in this thread I'm looking for the facts with details. Otherwise they are just opinions.
Guys, I really appreciate the replies. But in this thread I'm looking for the facts with details. Otherwise they are just opinions.

Fact is triggers and lionfish don't make good tank mates, end of discussion. Just do a little searching on the web and you will find plenty of reasons why they don't coexist in tanks together. You are in a subforum on here that gets very little traffic so the flood gates of people telling you why not to do it isn't going to occur. Sounds like you don't care what others are telling you and just want to argue for the sake of arguing. Another thing you could do is read a book or two, plenty of references on why they don't make good tank mates. Triggers are very curious by nature and like to pick at things (like lionfish fins, shark eyes, ect) outside of the fin nipping they will out compete a lionfish for food
Hi Dmorty217,

I did read many threads and different articles on the Internet. And there are different "opinions" with explanations "why the opinion is correct".

I DO care what other tell in this thread otherwise I wouldn't start the discussion. I didn't ask "Why to do?" or "Why NOT to do?". I mentioned several times I'm looking for sharing facts that are real experience examples.

If this subforum is not the best place to ask, which subforum would you suggest?

BTW, Internet is a free community and everyone can decide by himself where the end of the discussion is. I'm not sure if anyone of us if this world can say he knows everything in this hobby. Let's be more respectful to each other.

Reef discussion would be a place to get more views. In the end it doesn't work out, no matter the trigger/lionfish combination. Someone will say "yeah I have them together and they are fine, bc there is always one person that says that. However long term, which I personally consider a year or more in this hobby you will not find many of any saying it works for them. You could also try large reef tanks but I doubt you find any with a trigger/lionfish combo. I'm sorry if you took what I said as disrespectful. There are countless threads on her that read "what is this" and "are these fish compatible" when most all of these can be answered with a little research via books or previous thread titles. I never claimed to know even a fraction of everything in this hobby but I do know triggers and lionfish aren't good tank mates:)
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Like Dmorty217 has said, triggers are curious by nature. That right there is fact, which you say you want.
I have gone scuba diving many times and many times seen triggers nip at things for the sake of it. They are curious by nature and biting is what they do. I can show you trigger bite marks on my wetsuit and flippers if you really want.

Please keep in mind that even if anyone here has not personally kept the bluethroat trigger, all of us have read the same fish profiles and articles on reef builders (amongst other places) over the years. We're doing our reading. We're seeing many people who keep saying the same things. When you read the same thing a million times from different sources, it more or less means that what we're reading is factual, not opinion. As animal keepers, our goal is to ensure the health and well-being of all animals. All we can do is answer a person's questions and explain our answers. After that, the person posing the question can ask follow-up questions or accept an answer. Your question has been answered by multiple people. Accept it or ask another question.
mike61289 It's very simple. I just want to see replies from people who had them in their tanks. That's all. Why should I accept something that is not related to my question?

Again, I appreciate what you guys said and it's also valuable for me to make a decision. But it's not what i was looking for in this specific thread.
Guys, I really appreciate the replies. But in this thread I'm looking for the facts with details. Otherwise they are just opinions.

fact is every book and reliable source will warn you away from this pairing.

a simple search in here...from 2009

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