Plans to move to Oki

Now I see what you are doing. Yeah, that .4 mm will be an issue. I was under the impression that you are gluing pipe in which case is not a issue. What metric parts do you need? I might be able to help you find some stuff. Also, check out schedule 80 pipe. it is just a hair thicker and might fit better.
I went to Marunaka's and asked for sch 80 but they didn't have any. I tried the brown hot water pvc which are usually a little thicker but it was a no-go. Thanks for looking out.
Let's see if I can take my thread back..

One item I didn't check on before was Co2. Is there any place on island to get Co2? I've had my alkalinity reactor a.k.a. calc reactor online for a short while now I just happened to wonder if I could get Co2 there for this or not?
The only reason I seem to 'show up' there is because it's the only thread that gets new entries on. I haven't spent any time on the forum there otherwise in 'a long time' now.