Plant I.D.


Premium Member
1st of all,sorry about the sucky pic.I still cant figure out how to resize w/o losing all the quality. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what kind of plant this is. It's in a 10 gallon that's been set up for almost 2 mths now.It's spreading from one rock to another as well as taking root in the substrate.I have the corraline algae that's spreading at a decent rate as well. I'm wondering which one is going to take over 1st. :) I know the corraline is a good thing but I'm not sure about this stuff. I'm going to try to take a better pic of it to post but if anyone can I.D. it and let me know if it's good or bad I would greatly appreciate it.
Bad, assuming I'm correct. It spreads like wildfire and few animals will eat it. It's a form of hair algea. Nasty stuff.
I looked up byropsis and it doesn't really look like that.I know it's hard to tell from my pics but does anyone have any more ideas?
Hi Abynum1,

When you look at that algae up close, does it seem to be feathery? It looks like it might be Bryopsis to me as well. Another possibility might be Cladophora. Keep in mind that there are many species of Bryopsis and Cladophora. I think whatever it is, it will be come a problem algae. Do you test your nitrates and phosphates? If so, what are they? Do you have any snails or crabs or other herbivores in your tank?

all parameters are great no nitrates at all,corraline algae spreading like crazy.I've got 2 hermits and a few different snails.None of them eat it. Is there a good site with pics so I can ID it?
I'm trying to find the exact spelling, but I believe its called caulerpa verticillata(sp?) I've got this in plague proportions and am trying to figure out how to battle it. I'm breaking down the tank since I think I have an issue with phosphate supplying all the needed nutrients for this species. Its actually quite nice on a small scale, but not in my tank!!!!
That's what I was looking for! I seen it on the web somewhere before and couldn't remember the name. Now I can look it up and make a positive ID thanks!!!
I've broken down the tank, I have one rock left in there that I'll take a couple shots of tonight and post tomorrow.
Had to readjust file size, but here's the best shot I could come up with for this algae. Please note that the growth seen in the photo does not represent the typical unchecked growth of this species since I've clipped back recently as much as I could so everything is very close to the rocks. Usually you'll have multiple growths coming off of a main shoot and then again dividing and dividing for a long cluster of algae.

Also, I did a search on google under caulerpa verticillata and it brought up one article on how its overspread a large area of coral reef in the gulf. Not good! What was interesting though was that it was listed as a native species for the region.
Thats the stuff!! I found thats same article too.What I can't find is anything on it in regards to aquarium use. Is it good,bad,does it go sexual etc.
I've never had it go asexual. IME its very bad, but I agree I haven't found any cases similar to mine on this board.
Abynum1 said:
Thats the stuff!! I found thats same article too.What I can't find is anything on it in regards to aquarium use. Is it good,bad,does it go sexual etc.

Don't know if this ones goes sexual but my take on all plants is they are good for the system. For instance, you have no nitrAtes and that is good.

Now if you don't like the way it looks that is a different matter. But then in a 10g it shouldn't be much of a problem to harvest some each month.
no its's not a problem at all.It's interesting to watch my hermits climb on it where it has grown along the side of the tank.
The problem with this species is if you decide to remove it (for example if the stuff starts taking over) it becomes very difficult to permanently remove because its so fragile at the base. You can pull off the tops but it keeps coming back from the roots deeply imbedded in the rock.
sailfin algae bleenies, sally lightfoots, scarlet legs herms. eat it up.... had a huge prob with it, have well water... using maxxima ro/di unit ..... had to put a water softner in also ....under control now and if u want to take the time take a old tooth brush and clean the rock in a bucket outside the tank.... use some water from when u do a water change.... that will take care of your prob... lower phospates, which really cause it to grow way out of control.........