Please check this out

I would move it away from the other corals. If it gets worse Maybe you save some of it by cutting off the bad spots. Just thinking out loud have never seen this before.
Either the bubble or acan. Post stated echinata which has a powerful sting but it looks more like a bowerbanki to me? Deeper porites. I posted before what a lobo did to my beautiful pink goni. Those digestive filaments are crazy.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone. It was definitely crazy since they have been like that for a little while and there hasn't been any sting noticed before this one. The direction came from what is supposed to be an echinata, but who really knows. Really... Who really knows? I would like to know lol...

I've since reorganized the tank more and separated them all. Hopefully now everyone will be a little happier.

On another note... I now have dragon soul frags for sale lol...