Please help ID. I've searched everywhere!


New member
Hello everyone. New member here and also new to the salt water life. Definitely loving it so far. The new life that I'm seeing so so fascinating and some concerning lol. Can anyone tell me what these are? I've only seen them on the rock mostly and a couple on the sand here and there. They seem to come out more at night so I'm right there with my camera and light lol.

They dont seem to have any tentacles or hairs but that may be because I cant see them. This picture is zoomed ALOT. To the naked eye they are hardly noticable if at all. I've searched every where and even ask a LFS. I'm not getting anywhere. There's lots of them. I have not seen any on any coral or hermits.


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Hard to see details for an id...likely a harmless and potentially beneficial worm from what I can see.... Maybe peanut worm.... Any chance you can get a higher quality focused picture?