Please help ID spore?



I have a 10 gal nano cycled for about 4 weeks with about 14lbs live sand and 15lbs live rock, no fish yet.

I also put in some caulerpa prolifera (removed about a week ago) , Red Garilicia, and a clump of Maiden's hair. Starting about 2 weeks ago I noticed some spores on the glass looking like the image below (Sorry, I can't seem to get a good picture of the item). I think it is a spore of some sort. I is about 1/3 the size of a sesame seed, similar color as a sesame seed, and has fuzzy white filaments on the edges. Within the last week, they have seemed to grow exponentially, and is now covering most of my tank.

Does anyone have an idea of what this could be, and if it will be harmful to fish, corals, or marco algae?

