Please help identify


Came home to find dozens of white specks on glass. No signs of ick on any fish as all were properly quarantined. Some lps present and recent sps additions were dipped in Bayer. One piece of sps which was placed in 4 days ago, this was not dipped. This image is at 250 x magnification taken with iPhone.
Tank is 3 months running. I am thinking hydroid.
Best regards.

EDIT: Forgot the pictures,NqIHgUV,GyScQ5U,KXBqepY,XQxVWOW
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Honestly i would just try and suck out the ones you can see and keep an eye on it. From my experience they don't really bother anything just annoying to see on your glass. Supposedly wrasse and peppermint shrimp eat them but not really sure. If you have decent flow in your tank they should slowely die off. I wouldn't stress it. Give it a few wreeks and suck them out when you see them and see what happems. Maybe others with more experience will chime in.
Thanks everyone for the assistance and advice. All seems well at this time, no more hydroids on the glass without any action on my part other than routine maintenance.
Best Regards.