Please Help Temp Swing


New member
ok so i left thursday for a trip and i just got back to find the room that the tank is in had the AC off, im guessing it was off the whole time, and i look at the temp in my tank and its 86 degrees, what do i do????

please help now??!!!!
86 isn't the worst thing in the world. turn the ac on and let the tank normally go down. if you force it to go down, you will do more harm than good.
I agree with Keith, don't force it, let it slowly go back down with the AC on, a sudden change in temp could put your fish into shock, aswell as your corals and you can end up losing alot animals/corals. Now go put your AC on 70, sit down, smoke a cigarette, and relax :)

-Mike C.
i don't know that i would put the ac on 70...gradually lower the temp. i'd say maybe set it for like 76ish...then maybe tomorrow morning a little lower...and gradually lower the temp. then again lowering the air temp will still slowly lower the water temp. I dunno what is the correct answer. good luck!

when i lived back in chicago we were breeding fw angel's. when we came back from out of town once the heater was stuck on and the tank water was at like 92 deg. or something rediculous like that. all the fish were still alive, but were not looking good at all. my dad imediatly thought "lower the temp" and dumped the ice bucket into the tank. needless to say we lost all the fish. it was about 13 gorgeous angels.
ok thanks guys, i have like 4 corals from WWC that i got on my way back down, can i add them to the tank with the temp like that?

thats my biggest concern as the corals that are in the tank dont look dead or dying but ARE looking slightly stressed

so please guys keep the advice coming?
I don't see a problem with putting the AC real low (like 70 or so) as the air temp is still only going to gradually lower the tank temp.

I wouldn't acclimate the frags to the higher temp. Keep them in another container (like a QT - which should be the norm anyway) till the main tank's temp is down.
I think I would keep them in the bag/setup a little tank for them if you could. heater and flow is all you need for a day or 2. I wouldn't add them to that water as is.

if you want could drop the frags off by me and I could watch them till you get everything situated.
dude i would drop them off at somenes house but its 12:30 and im in miami, you are in weston,

I dont have a qt for these guys but i do have left over NSW, can use that for them???? or does it need to be mature tank water?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12323130#post12323130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
i don't know that i would put the ac on 70...gradually lower the temp. i'd say maybe set it for like 76ish...then maybe tomorrow morning a little lower...and gradually lower the temp. then again lowering the air temp will still slowly lower the water temp. I dunno what is the correct answer. good luck!

when i lived back in chicago we were breeding fw angel's. when we came back from out of town once the heater was stuck on and the tank water was at like 92 deg. or something rediculous like that. all the fish were still alive, but were not looking good at all. my dad imediatly thought "lower the temp" and dumped the ice bucket into the tank. needless to say we lost all the fish. it was about 13 gorgeous angels.

Putting the air on 70 will still only gradually lower the temp on the tank/ in the room. Don't you notice when your house is warm and you turn on the AC, it doesn't get cold right away, but you feel it getting colder and colder - the lights will keep it warm and if he has a heater that will help keep it at the temp it should be at.

-Mike C.
yea but i didn't know if that would be too gradual...if your air temp is 70 (maybe an hour or so) and your tank temp is 86 then 70 degree air will pull down 86 degree water than 76ish degree air would. never happened to me so I wouldn't know how fast 70 degree air could/would pull down 86 degree water. I'm sure it would take a couple hours. who knows.
remember that its not 70 degree air, thats just the thermestat. it just depends on what its set at that will turn the ac off. the cold air is cold air regardless of what you put it at. how big is your tank? this makes a big diffrence since cooling my nano takes no time but a 150 gallon will take a little longer to cool.