Please Help! What the heck is going on with my Euphyllia!


New member
Hi everyone!! As you might be able to tell from the title, I am increasingly frustrated with my euphyllia! For the last 2-3 weeks I've been slowly losing some of them and it kills me because I have some nice collector pieces! This isn't brown jelly disease as I would recognize it right away. The corals are doing great and then simply the flesh just starts to come apart until they die!
I've lost 2 gold torch colonies, my holy grail torch, a toxic green with pink tip torch, etc, etc, etc, etc. Literally has been around 10 pieces in the last couple of weeks and just lost 2 more today! Most losses have been torches but I've also lost a few frogspawn, octospawn, and hammers and just recently started to lose a 40+ head of purple/green frogspawn.

What drives me even more crazy is that everything else is fine!! I have SPS, Anemones, Leathers, mushrooms, zoas, chalice, acans, flower pots, bubble corals, elegance, and the list goes on and on! But the only thing not doing well is my euphyllia and I have TONS of it!! I cant just wait around any longer to see if it stops as I get devastated with each loss!

On to system specs!
375gal display with a 200 gal sump- Has been up for about a year
Ca- 460
dKH- 9
Mg- 1425
Nitrate- 20ppm
PO4- .25ppm
Sg- 1.025
Temp - 77-78

I have a very simple system, it is bare bottom, I run a the Largest NYOS skimmer, GEO 818 Calcium reactor, grow chaeto on opposite light schedule, and dose AcroPower every other day and Iron weekly. My flow is great also, I have 2 of the large Gyres and an MP40 and an MP60 that I turn on every now and then to make sure no detritus settles.

I use Fritz RPM and my ATO RO water comes in a 1ppm. I just did an 100 gal water change last week and have done one almost weekly since this crap started happening. I just cant explain what it is!! I've been reefing for almost 10 years now and have never encountered this before... here are some pictures.. but please, any suggestions/questions are welcome!


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Did you introduce any corals or live rock before the losses began occurring? It may be you gave an flatworm, crab or other unwanted coralivore hitchhiker a ride to your tank.
Did you introduce any corals or live rock before the losses began occurring? It may be you gave an flatworm, crab or other unwanted coralivore hitchhiker a ride to your tank.

I've introduced a lot of corals so I guess that could be a possibility... how would I eradicate if so? Not sure how I would even ID a pest if there is one. There's nothing visibly showing that I could call a pest...
I've introduced a lot of corals so I guess that could be a possibility... how would I eradicate if so? Not sure how I would even ID a pest if there is one. There's nothing visibly showing that I could call a pest...

if you didnt quarantine you cant rule that out, but you've been reefing for 10 years so you prob know all the things that can kill a coral(s) by now.
Are the losses all frags or established colonies? Sometimes frags are cut too close on the bottom, and pests or pathogens May enter from the bottom of the cut skeleton. Sorry to hear of your losses.
Are the losses all frags or established colonies? Sometimes frags are cut too close on the bottom, and pests or pathogens May enter from the bottom of the cut skeleton. Sorry to hear of your losses.

They're both colonies and frags :( I've observed like crazy to see if I can spot some sort of pattern at all but there is none so far. I thought maybe some were stinging each other but there are a few that were next to nothing and are also dying. Thought maybe it was just torches but its torches, hammers, octospawn, frogspawn, everything...