Please help yellow tang acting so weird see video


New member
Hey Guys hes still eating fine and swims and plays with other inhabitant like normal but every night he starts to get all crazy and breathe heavily. Last night I did a 50 percent water change thinking it was ammonia int he tank, my water test came back with Zero, Nitrates were at 20 ppm but they have been that way for over 2 months now. I cant seem to get it lowered. any suggestions.

Video is here:

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
Your video is not working for some reason, but if I had to take a guess I would say that your tang is probably catching a glimpse of it's own reflection in the glass every now and then. Now the fish thinks there's another yellow tank in the tank so it starts posturing, tail slapping, pacing back & forth etc. (crazy behavior) JMO, GL.
+1 as well. I had a foxface that would do the same

only thing you need to keep an eye out for is if it jumps :D
I watched the video, that's not what it is. I agree it is acting weird and has pretty rapid breathing. Don't have an answer for you, except maybe post in the fish disease forum.
he is definitely sick. not only is he breathing wayyyy to fast. his cheeks are really white. id try the disease post area
Tangs become very stressed if they are in a small tank. They really need a tank that is 6ft long atleast
I finally got that video to work. I agree with the others, something is definitely wrong. The rapid breathing, the clamped dorsal fin etc.
He looks terrible. I saw one in a LFS tank that had a pinched stomach like that. He looked really old and on his way out. Internal parasites?
hes in a 55 now but he only does that in random times like right now hes swimming just fine and not breathing heavy.
ok I saw in other threads you talk about a 40g. Either way a 55g is way to small for any Tang I think the minimum for a Yellow is 100g or a 125g. In small tanks they become stressed and get diseases that could crash your tank. I would take him back to the LFS and in future take a few minutes and read up on fish and what tank size they need. Tangs are beautiful I wish I could have one but I to only have a 55g.
ok I saw in other threads you talk about a 40g. Either way a 55g is way to small for any Tang I think the minimum for a Yellow is 100g or a 125g. In small tanks they become stressed and get diseases that could crash your tank. I would take him back to the LFS and in future take a few minutes and read up on fish and what tank size they need. Tangs are beautiful I wish I could have one but I to only have a 55g.

I tend to disagree depending on the size of your tang, and the length of your tank.. I know people are probably going to hound me for this but I have 2 tangs in my 75 gallon a tomini and a white tail bristle tooth and they could not be happier... and this goes against 2 cardinal rules sometimes if done right rules can be broken though.. its also about the well being of the fish because they rely on us to be their caretakers if there was anything ever suggesting that it was not working out then I would take action to make them happy.. but if he does not do that all the time then there is clearly something spooking him when he does.. and if this is a frequent event then maybe you should consider giving him a new home where he can be happy. also maybe try re-aquascaping so your tang can have more lateral swimming room just a thought.. from the video it looks like you have a good amount of caves a crevasses which is good but tangs like to swim back and forth along the tank in open water.
hes in a 55 now but he only does that in random times like right now hes swimming just fine and not breathing heavy.

Can you try taking another short video of the fish? Maybe right after you've fed the tank, or perhaps when everything seems to be normal?