PLEASE ID Hitchhicker


New member
Hello everyone i just bought some rock and found this crab today in my sand. Excume me for the pics but i have no lights in the tank so flashlight and camera have to do. Thank you
no positive id but i strongly believe that its not the kinda crab you want in there. i had a similar looking one with sharp claws tucked in tight to the body like that and im pretty sure he was the one eating my ricordea.
I've got a couple of crabs in my tank, one just like that one. Despite all the chatter to the contrary in various threads, I've never seen one harm any of my corals, hard or soft. Maybe it's 'cause I tend to overfeed. :D
Thanks on both of you guys comments. The good thing is that all there is in the tank is rock. And no livestock will be added for least 2 months.Well if anyone else has a clue to what this is let me know and ill do the overall advice.
I'd get him out, because with all the chatter in various threads :p I have seen crabs eat my coral, specifically an emerald eating a hairy mushroom.
from my experience if i see any crab outside on the sand i will stop and remove him because they are so hard to remove later. good luck you might have to wait until dark to get him.
I've heard the shot glass trick works. Lean a shot glass (or other tallish glass, bigger than the crab anyway) against a rock and put a piece of food in it. Wait until dark or the fish will eat it. The crab will climb in, but not be able to climb out. Then you come along and scoop him and the glass up. There's a thread on here somewhere.

Heh heh, here's some interesting anecdotal info on

Xanthidae crab