PLEASE Say it Ain't So!!!!


Premium Member
I am hoping I heard this wrong.. I did only catch part of this new article on TV tonight...

the news channel was showing Koi, while the newsman was saying they could not be publicly displayed, must be micrchipped and cannot be added to...

Please tell me that is not part of the Freeport guy's permit for koi requirement?????!?!?!?!!!?!?!?

Isn't this a bit overboard? I wonder if the first guy had to microchip his fish....

Sad to say this will be the presedent for future permits.... guess there goes my reques for a permit for fish in nursing homes... I am guessing that would be considered a public place

I say let's all dress up in Koi suits and hit the governors mansion!

It is true. They said he has to microchip the fish and can not put them on public display. He also has to nofity them if one dies and they can check on them at any time. I think this is another therrible waste of taxpayer dollars when we have so much other stuff they can be dealing with.......