Please show your dragon face pipefish!

Sadly I started with 2 but my system only had enough pods for 1. Mine Is always on the hunt for pods but oddly hits the water column in free float every night at moonlight time looking for snacks.
Ive had a pair for a while now. they do great,
but they seem to ignore red bugs which I have and flat worms :S
they accept cyclopeze.

BUT they are REALLY cool. they swim against flow of a MP40 even !! lol and they look much cooler in pairs.
coming out during the day .... will depend on your set up and fish selection ! IMHO, when fish feel safe, they come out ! mine always hide under rocks for good part of the day, and all night, but after I added a bunch of yellow wrasses, who stay out in the open, the pipefish felt safe and started swimming around and gliding on rocks.

sorry about the crappy pics :S we have a fish store by the camera store :S



here is one of them swimming around, this shot was taken when the new tank was just set up.


I had redbugs. I needed to use a magnifying glass to see them. They weren't populating much that I could tell except they really liked the Oregon Tort. I purchased 4 dragon faced pipefish and after 2 weeks, the population has declined and the Oregon Tort is starting to PE very well. The LFS person said that it is very important to get a dragon pipe fish as others won't touch redbugs. I opted for this path versus putting chemical in my tank to eradicate. I have a 240 SPS reef tank. 6 AI Hydra 52HD, 2 Maxspect Grye 150's and 2 MP40's. Lots of flow. 3 Yellow, 1 Naso Blonde, 1 Purple, 1 Chevron, 1 Desjardini Sailfin, 2 bloodred shrimp, 2 pep shrimp, 1 6-line wrasse and a melanarus wrasse. The swim and hunt freely. Great addition.

I guess patience is key, don't overfeed - Sounds like the SPS reefer! Happy Reefing.