pls help my yuma


New member
yesterday i bought a beautiful bright pink yuma..


this morning i checked it and it looks like something ate a chunk out of it.... it also has something stringy comming out of its mouth...


i realize this is not good..... is there any hope for it ? what should i do ?? it is in low flow and low light .... how can i save it?
Man that sucks, Once it gets to the point of that last pic there really is nothing that is left to do but get it out......I have had many a yuma do that to me, to the point where I hadn't kept yumas for the last 2-3 years because of it.

One of the telltale signs for me is that a yuma is not healthy is when the space around the mouth is absent of the pseudotentacles / acrotentacles like in the first and second pictures. You might want to try a antibacterial dip maybe something like Seachem Reef dip disinfectant, but from that last picture I would have to say it is far beyond any help.....Sorry I have been there and it sucks to high heaven.....
I agree with Azurel - I think it's a goner. I've also had the same problem with yuma's "melting" that I don't keep them any more. I have no problems with other mushrooms - just the yumas.

Really sorry - it was a beautiful mushroom.
i stay away from yumas that have big gaping mouthes. I have had 4 ymas die on me out of my collection, and 3 of them had big gaping mouthes when I bought them
As a last ditch effort try cutting the polyp off the rock and leaving behind some of the foot. There's a small chance it will grow back into a new yuma.
i moved the yuma to the return chamber of my fuge where there is low light and low flow. it hasnt changed much at all. could there be any hope that it can recover.......
I have to agree with the others as that one is a goner. Do you know if it was wild caught or captive? I would probably try cutting it up and see if any of the left overs will grow into a new one, but it looks doubtful. Looked like a beautiful pink :(
The only problem with the fragging method of hoping for some survival is that I have found that the infection remains in the cut up frags and just continues to spread.....If you could dip the small fragged parts to maybe get rid of the infection as well form those parts that might help them survive as well.......
Yeah, that's why I'd only keep a small portion of the foot of the polyp -- the part that isn't melting away yet. Probably the best bet of not spreading the infection and yet still having a small chance of the yuma living on...