Plumbing Help


Registered Reefer
I recently set up a 60g Shallow Reef.

I have it running right now but want a better plumbing set up than I have.. A setup that won't leak and give me a piece of mind.

Currently, I am using a flex drain hose that goes from the left corner overflow into the sump on the right. For my return I am using clear tubing that goes from my return pump to a valve to control the speed and up to my return. There are a few spots that leak and it's because I suck at plumbing.
I have the sump turned around right now so my return comes into my sump on the right (when it should be on the left), but I didn't want to run my return line that long because I was scared of anything happening. My drain hose also makes a lot of noise because of the position it's in, so I really just want to get rid of it.

So, I want to change it where my sump is turned around in the correct position so that my overflow flows down into my sump on the left and my return pump on the right.

If anyone can help me to plumb this, I would greatly appreciate it.. or point me in the right direction.
Here are Pictures:


Like I said in OP, the sump is flipped around for now, I want it the other way so the socks are on the left right below the overflow drain and return plumbed from the right side up to return on the top left.. if that makes sense.
for the parts out of the water, if they are leaking you can get some of the clamps at hd that will tighten them down. or you can always go with PVC once you flip the sump
I would practice fitting a couple pieces with purple primer and the blue wet/dry cement. Once you see how it fits and sets up you can manage your plumbing from there.
If you want to stop your current set up from leaking I would add pressure clamps to each end of your rubber hose where it attaches to a plastic elbow or piece. Even easier is to use zip ties and clench them down tight.

Working with PVC is easy your welcome to stop by and look at the plumbing on my display.

I'm off of 107 and miller.

I find you tube has videos on almost how to do anything.

Remember: you dont have to glue any PVC down before getting them all the right lengths.
Put the puzzle together, then glue later.

Look for pvc pipe cutter and some 90 and 45 elbows, and couplings. You probably have 1" pipe. Also, buy the primer and glue. Home depot has all of that stuff in the same isle
Thanks Eric and Mike,

I'll give it a go and let you guys know how it turned out.

One other question.. I am going to get a mag drive, what's the best way to connect a pipe to it? It's a 3/4" threaded outlet and I read to go twice the size piping, but I think I will only be going with 1" piping. Should I go with a Union or just get a coupling that has a threaded end and slip end?