plumbing help


New member
OK so here is the story and i need any reefer who wants to help design, construct and implement this to chime in.

I can pay in beer, frags, or cash, but i need to set this up sooner than later because the skimmer has been sitting for some time now.

i really need someone to help me bring this to life.

so here we go...

I have 65g tank Reef Ready (36x18x24), with a 20g high fuge/sump
there is no space in or around the fuge to house the asm G3 skimmer

i recently bought a 10g tank to house the skimmer, it fits in it fine.

now i need to plumb the skimmer tank into the system, i dont care if the skimmer tank is next to the cabinet exposed or whatever, i just need it to involve itself into my tank.

anyone who has ideas or plans and wants to lend a hand let me know,
please help some locally out.

thanks so much
If you are in broward I don't mind helping. It is really not that bad, I have the bits to drill the tank if needed. Let me know.

the ten gallon is not drilled as of now, but theres a store near by me that would do it i think. Its not thick glass so thats my only concern, but w/e it doesnt cost a fortune. im in miami dade , off of bird and 87th
That is pretty far from me.....

Anyways here is what I would do, since you can get teh tank drilled.

I would place the skimmer tank a little above the main sump on a small platform. Then drill either two small holes or one large hole in the side of the 10G to drain into the main sump.

What kind of skimmer are you using?

If it is a beckett or venturi type I would place the pump in the main sump where the overflow drain would be located. Have the pump push the water back into the skimmer and exit into the 10G, where it would drain again into the sump. Seems redundant though if this is a venturi or beckett skimmer though. Because you could feed the skimmer and just have it drain into the sump. That is how mine ie.

If it is a needle wheel that needs to be submersed then have the overflow return drain into the 10G skimmer tank. then have the 10G drain into the sump after the water has been processed by the skimmer.


Sorry Dude I need help with Pumping My self. I am trying to look at some Closed loop system but can't seam to find them online. I saw on in Melevsreef. But with my system I can see how it would work.
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My Refugium & Sump set up.

My Refugium & Sump set up.

mybe this will help you...
maybe I can give u a hand this weekend,I got a deal for u :) I help u with the plumbing and u help me with my tank wen it gets done :) I will need help to take that big boy home, first u need to make the hole on that 10g tank
im not sure what type of skimmer it is, its anASM g3 so whatever type that is

ill help whoever so i can be helped, i dont mind,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11422564#post11422564 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by str8clownr
im not sure what type of skimmer it is, its anASM g3 so whatever type that is

ill help whoever so i can be helped, i don't mind,

asm skimmer that`s what i got is rate for 250g tank uy sure it will fit in that 10g tank???
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11425564#post11425564 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by str8clownr
cubano what do you need hlep with, moving a tank or what? let me know I don't mind!!!

yep but not right now the tank is getting build now :)
i know its an asm, and i know it fits in the 10 gallon snugly, you'll have to see!! what store is building it... REEF Aquarium on bird??
yes but not UNDER the stand, it i would make some kind of stand for it to sit next to my display stand but above the sump....

its either on its own stand, next to the tank, or onthe floor, next to the tank...
The G3 needs to be modded in order to perform at its best.
1. Mesh impeller 2. Gate valve
3. Recirc
4. Plumb to overflow

if u do a lest #3 it will be much easy and it will work better,I will send u a pm now wait :)