First a little history, I have a reef ready, 175g bowfront that I'm going to set up in my living room with a sump and dedicated fish room in the basement.
All the stock from my 75g and one of the 55s will be going in to the tank. The problem is that the fish room is taking a while to set up (money) and the tank is sitting in my living room empty.
It would be nice to get everything transfered over and running, I know the corals and fish would appreciate the extra leg room.
Now for the question, is it harder to plumb a tank after it has been set up and running? So far all of my tanks have been sumpless, so this whole plumbing thing is new to me
All the stock from my 75g and one of the 55s will be going in to the tank. The problem is that the fish room is taking a while to set up (money) and the tank is sitting in my living room empty.
It would be nice to get everything transfered over and running, I know the corals and fish would appreciate the extra leg room.
Now for the question, is it harder to plumb a tank after it has been set up and running? So far all of my tanks have been sumpless, so this whole plumbing thing is new to me