Itchy Trigger
Active member
I'm currently plumbing a 550g tank (120" x 36" x30"). The tank has six 1.5" drains on the bottom and the sump has six 1.5" bulkheads to receive the drains. If I were to run one designated 1.5" line of pipe from each drain on the bottom of the tank to each bulkhead on the sump, things would get awfully cluttered down there. Is it advisable to, say, group each set of two drains together? So each pair of drains would gang together and tee off to two lines on either end. It would be a lot neater this way, but I imagine it would constrict the flow. So I maybe could go from two 1.5" lines on each end up to a larger diameter pipe for the run where each group of two drains came together (as in pic #2). Would this work well? If so, what size pipe would I want to go up to when the lines are ganged like this? 2" Last pic would be my other solution, which would essentially just be a neater way of running all pipes at 1.5" for the whole run.
Any other suggestions for doing this would be welcome.
Any other suggestions for doing this would be welcome.
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