Plumbing question?


New member
I have a 375gal mixed reef that I am planning on replumbing to save on energy and upgrade some equipment. My plan is to use the 2 tank drains to feed my uv unit and 2 fluidized reactors before it drains to my sump (possible tee off the drains to feed them instead). I only worry though that since the water will not be filtered in any form before going into these units I may have a problem with waste build up in them. Has anyone ran their drains similar to this or have another suggestion to run?
I personally would feed those from a small pump from the sump(probably like you already have it). Your idea would require a little more maint. to keep them clean. For the UV it is necessary to have the water pass through it slowly(more contact time). What type of fluidized? Generally slow for them too, but depends on what kind. Good luck with your plumbing job. Stop by "The Fish Store" in Clovis, Jesse would be able to help you out on some more info.
I was thinking the same thing, but I am trying to find some ways to save some money on the power costs. I'm just a little worried about how much junk will get feed through them also which would require more frequent cleaning. I currently feed the uv (gamma 40) and 2 MRC fluidized reactors (1 carbon and 1 phosphate) off of a mag 18. The reactors don't take much flow, but the UV can take quite a bit. Just looking for ways to lower my electric bill, but if I have to stay with a seperate pump, so be it. I am getting ready to switch skimmers for a becket to a hurricone so I may end up running one pump to feed them all or 2 smaller ones for seperate feeds. I'm still in the planning stage. I just figured since I am going to be changing the plumbing for the skimmer why not see if I can improve some other areas at the same time.
A Mag 18 is 1800gph and 150 watts. Try a smaller pump and you should be fine. Something small like a maxi-jet 1200 (300gph). If you have too much flow through the carbon and PO4 media, it will grind itself down and turn into dust. Slow flow is key for these reators/uv lights.
How many pumps are you currently running. You could run an efficient return pump through a manifold and divert flow to your various components. That's how I run mine, 1 pump does everything.
The maxi- jet won't cut it with these, this is a large tank. I looked up the Uv last night and current recomends a flow rate of 2880gph and the 2 reactors are rated for 250gph add to that the Hurricone skimmer which needs 300-400gph. Now I do think 2880 for a UV is a bit high but it is a 2" diameter flow through.

Currently I run a Dart for a return, a mag 18 for the UV and Reactors, a Gen-x 55 for the MRC skimmer (this will be replaced by the Hurricone), and a Mag-9 for my Eco-cooler. I want to keep my return pump seperate from the other systems. I did a little research last night and was looking at a Reeflo Snapper pump, 96w for 2500gph flo. That is much better than the Mag 18 and Gen-x pump and should give me enough flow to run the skimmer, UV and reactors. That should cut energy costs and allow me to avoid sending unfiltered water through the reactors and UV.