Plumbing / sump help


New member
I need a little help with hooking up my sump and refugium. This will be going under the tank so space is limited unfortunately. The baffles in the refug are too high for the baffles in the sump if both are sitting at the same level which will submerge my filter socks. My question is if I raise the sump up, wont that flood out the refug if I loose power? Would it be better to just cut the baffles in the refug to lower the water level in both? Any suggestions would be helpfull. I am trying to get this all plumbed up and running right before it goes under the tank so I can minimize down time. I am also battling leaks from the bulk heads, do the smooth side of the gaskets go to the inside or out and is it better to put them inside the tank or on the outside?

Thanks for the help.
I forgot to post some pics

