PMASI Club Library

We have these books in our library. If you are a member you may borrow these books. Some may be missing and there are others that I recently acquired that have not been added to this list. In order to borrow from the library you must let me know ahead of time and pick up at a club meeting or stop by my house.

Undersea Life : A marine biologist explores the fragile universe of the ocean
Text by Joseph S. Levine Photographs by Jeffrey L. Rotman 1st ed. 1985

Miniature Reef Aquarium In Your Home, Revised Edition
Dr. C. W. Emmens 1989

Diseases of Marine Aquarium Fishes
Mark P. Dulin, D.V.M., M.S. 1976

Sea-Water Systems For Experimental Aquariums
John R. Clark and Roberta L. Clark

Neon Gobies
Patrick Colin 1975

The Beginner's Guide to micro and Mini Reef Systems
Edward D. Prasek oct. 1992

A Step-By-Step Book About Tropical Marine Aquarium Fishes
Dr. C.W. Emmens 1990

Marine Aquarist's Manual
Hans A. Baensch 1983

Starfish Sea Urchins and their kind
Nelson Herwig 1980

The Captive Reef: A concise guide to reef aquaria in the home
Dana Riddle 1995

The instant Ocean Handbook: an introduction to the Marine Aquarium
Edmund J. Mowka, Jr. 1979


The Living Reef Aquarium Manual
David Wrobel 1989

The SeaWater manual
Edmund J. Mowka, Jr. 1981

Giant Clams: A Comprehensive Guide to the Identification and Care of Tridacnid Clams
Daniel Knop 1996

The modern Coral Reef Aquarium Volume 1 signed First Edition
Fossa Nilsen 1996

Red Sea "โ€œ Fishes
Helmut Debelius 1987

The new Saltwater Aquarium Handbook
George C. Blasiola II 1991

Seashells of North America
R. Tucker Abbott 1968

The Modern Reef Aquarium
Dr. C. W. Emmens 1994

Lobsters: Florida Bahamas the Caribbean
Martin A. Moe, Jr. 1991

Marine Aquarist Manual, comprehensive Edition
Dr. P.V. Loiselle Hans A. Baensch 1991

Saltwater Aquarium Fish
Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod and Dr. Warren E. Burgess 1973

Tropical Marine Aquaria
Graham F. Cox 1985

Marine Aquarium Guide
Frank de Graaf 1973

Butteflyfishes of the World
Dr. Warren E. Burgess 1978

Marine Fishes
Scott W. Michael 2001

The Life-giving Sea
David Bellamy 1975

Butterfly and Angelfishes of the World Vol. 1
Roger C. Steene 1985

Butterfly and Angelfishes of the World Vol. 2
Dr. Gerald R. Allen 1985

Marine Atlas 1
Debelius Baemsch 1994

Marine Atlas 2
Erhardt Moosleitner 1997

Marine Atlas 3
Erhardt Moosleitner 1998

Marine Fishes and Invertebrates In Your Own Home
Dr. Cliff W. Emmens 1985

The Marine Aquarium in Theory and Practice 2nd Ed. Revised
Dr. Cliff W. Emmens 1985

Marine Life an Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invertebrates in the Sea
David and Jennifer George 1979

Encyclopedia of Sea Horses
Mildred D. Bellomy 1969

Book of Coral Propagation Vol. 1
Anthony Calfo

Successful Saltwater Aquariums
John H. Tullock 1994

Small Reef Aquarium Basics
Albert J. Thiel 1989

Simon & Schuster's Complete Guide To Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fishes 1977

Dangerous Animals of the Sea
Marc Ziliox 1997

The Marine and Invert Reef Aquarium
Albert J. Thiel 1988

Sea Anemones
U. Erich Friese 1972

Dr. Gerald Allen 1972

Reef Building Stony Corals: The natural Physical Environment
Steve Tyree 1998

The Proper Care of Marine Aquarium Fishes
Scott B. Meyer

Diseases of Marine Fishes
Carl J. Sindermann 1966

Invertebrates: Tube-, Soft- and Branching Corals
Peter Wilkens, Johannes Birkholz 1986

Invertebrates: Stone and False Corals, Colonial Anemones
Peter Wilkens 1990

Damselfishes of the World
Dr. Gerald R. Allen 1991

Coral Reefs
Les Holliday 1989

Fishes for the Invertebrate Aquarium 3rd Ed.
Helmut Debelius 1989

A Guide To Corals For The Mini-Reef Aquarium
Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod 1997

Invertebrates: a Quick Reference Guide
Julian Sprung 2001

Marine Aquarium Keeping
Stephen Spotte 1973

The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver
Nick Dakin 1996

Seashore Life of Florida and the Caribbean
Gilbert L. Voss 1976

Fish Invertebrate Culture 2nd ed.
Stephen Spotte 1979

Reef Fishes
Ronald E. Thresher 1980

Breeding Techniques for Reefbuilding Corals: Towards sustainability in ex situ populations
Dirk Petersen 2005

Corals of the World
Dr. Elizabeth M. Wood 1983

The Porifera (Living Sponges)
Steve Tyree 1998

Conditioning, Spawning and Rearing of Fish with Emphasis on Marine Clownfish
Frank H. Hoff 1996

Beneath The North Atlantic 1st printing
Jonathan Bird 1996

Great Coral Reefs
Joseph Wallace 1992

Aquarium Fishes: A Portrait of the Animal World
Andrew Cleave 1996

Reef Notes revisited and Revised 1st printing
Julian Sprung 1996

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