PO4 undetectable. Should I still use GFO?


New member
Salifert test registers PO4 at 0. I realize the limits of these tests, but I'm wondering if the addition of PO4 removers is worth it.

The tank is running well. Growth and color are decent, but I guess there is always room for improvement. Looking for experiences...

BTW tank is BB with oversize skimmer and DSB refugium
Some algae. Most SPS have pretty good color. Nutrients are low enough that some LPS have lightened.

Not really looking to solve a "problem", just looking for improved growth and color.
You can still have phosphates, even if your test kit shows zero. It can bind with another element and not show up on your test.
The cost of a reactor and some media doesn't come close to the cost of a tank full of corals.
I'll add too that if the levels are that low, the media will last a long long time and the cost becomes minor in comparison to the cost while trying to fight the phosphates down.
but if you are growing macro and dont' have major algae problems i would not want to mess with a system that is running fine. i have never run any gfo, and my phosphates are very low (<.015 with the merck test)
So has anyone seen a noticeable improvement in SPS color and growth from using GFO? That's all I'm really interested in.