Pocillipora and Leather fighting??


New member
Got a new pocillipora frag about a month ago. It's been doing really well while acclimating. My DIY frag rack had it sitting close to an unknown leather that has been doing really well. As of about a week ago I noticed my leather had shrunk in size but looked really bloated with no polyp extension. About two days ago my pocillipora had no polyp extension and seemed to be turning pale between it's branches.

Are they fighting?

I moved the frag rack further away and a little higher up yesterday and as of today both look unhappy (pictures)

Temp 77.5
Sal 36
dKH 9.4
Mag 1350
Cal 410
PO4 0 on Hannah checker.
AI prime hd lights

The system runs pretty stable with kalk in my ato. No huge changes. I had a clown randomly die a couple days ago with, to me, unknown reasons. I quickly scooped him out and did a water change to verify all params were ok.

Any suggestions on why these two coral seem unhappy?

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tank looks pretty new judging by your rock and eggcrate, id hold off on dosing kalk and see if things improve
Unless they have touched, then no. There are all kinds of reports about chemical warfare between leathers and SPS, but unless you never change water or have other ways of removing organics (skimmer, GFO) then they are opined to be very much overrated.

I would look elsewhere for your issues.
Tank has been up and running over a year. Egg crate was just added not long ago.

I guess I can move it down a little further to verify it isn't light intensity, everything else looks great other than these two.

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is this a frag tank? What light are using? you could swap out your sps on the rack with the lps thats up top and see if things improve? Tank looks still pretty new, adding sand might help feed the corals/show improvement.