Pocillopora damicornis


New member
I've toyed around with the idea of creating a tank mimicking the species that are found in the reefs nearby to where I live, with Pocillopora, Pavona, and Porites. Read a couple of threads and seems however that Pocillopora tend to get out of control very quickly, spreading all over the tank. Is there anyone familiar with this species that can shed some light as to whether all Pocillopora get out of control or whether it is only certain species/colors that become a pest?
Main performs "bailout propagation" all the time, meaning I find little babies growing everywhere. They aren't hard to pick off the rocks, on a scale of pests with aipstasia being a 10 I'd rate them a 2.
is it as easy as removing with a sponge? Or how do you go about it? Do you own the pink or green variety?