Poll: How often do you feed yor fish?


Premium Member
This is what I have in my 75 gal.:

One Blue Green Chromis
One Black Cap Basset
One Blue Eyed Anthias
One Fairy Painted Wrasse
One Percula Clown fish
One Cleaner Shrimp
One Yellow Tang
8 Astraea Snails
18 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
One Bubble Anemone
Small frag with yellow polyps
One Lg. frag Star Polyps
One Torch Coral (group of three)
One frag Zenia and Anthelia (about five stalks)
One Emerald Crab
One Queen Conch
Six Jumbo Mexican Turbo Snail
Two Scarlet Reef Crabs
80 lb. Live Rock

How often should I be feeding?
I feed mine between once a day and once a week...depends when I'm at my Mom's house. No ill effects thus far.
I feed my 135g reef several times a day. I have 4 tangs and a rabbit fish which would graze constantly in the wild. I feed my 30g reef every few days as I have only a couple of gobies in it.

Your tang would appreciate multiple daily feedings of foods high in vegetable matter. I would reccomend nori as part of the diet. The anthias would also do best with several feedings per day. The rest of your fish would be fine being fed every few days and foraging in the tank.
Never, not one bite.
2 true percs
1watchman goby
1 blue line pipefish
various clams and corals
once every 3 days, alot.................i like to give the water time to remove the organics......................my fish are all fat and happy so, i also think making them eat off the reef keeps the rock cleaner as well