Polyp Extension on SPS Question...


New member
I've had 5 small colonies of acropora for about 1.5 months now. The tank itself has been setup for about 3 months, seeded live rock and sand from from my 60 gallon tank (current 125g tank).

Ph 8.1-8.3
Temp 80F
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate <25ppm
Phosphate damn near undetectable

About 2 weeks ago my squamosa clam closed up and has since started to open again VERY SLOWLY.

Thought nothing of it after testing all my parameters (calcium 400). Alklinity high.

Introduced a small xenia frag which took off for about two days then crashed, now all that is there is a small stump from the stalk.

About 3 days ago all of the polyps on my SPS retracted. They were quite bushy, except for one, which was a small colony straight from the ocean. That one never really opened up all the way, but has good growing tips.

The colors on the SPS still appear very brilliant, it's just the polyps. I haven't noticed any lesions. I have noticed I don't see hardly as many tiny inverts roaming around, but I attributed that to the recent addition of a flasher wrasse and a keyhole angel.

Has anything I said rung a bell? Is there cause for concern or is this normal SPS behavior?

3 False Perculas
1 flasher wrasse
1 sailfin tang
1 hepatus blue tang
1 keyhole angel
1 sailfin blenny
1 mandarin goby
1 orange spotted goby

2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
red and blue legged hermits
turbo and astrea snails
1 reef lobster

Grape Coral
Frogspawn Coral
Yellow Zoos
Button polyps
Orange polyps
Clove coral (it was called snowflake coral when I got it)
galaxea coral
squamosa clam
derasa clam
ricordeas and various mushrooms