polyp extension

What are your parameter like? Have you done anything different? Some of my zoa's are always closed because my hermit crabs like to crawl all over them.

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No hermits in the DT, nothing has changed in the last month or so. I have a 180 DT and a 40B Sump. I run gfo and bio pellets. No ammonia or nitrite. Nitrates are around 20. I do a 20% weekly water change.
Hows your iodine, It tends to be chronically low in our tanks and the zoas need it I've read. Be careful if you dose it thou as it can very easily become toxic.
temp is 77 to 81. I dont test for iodine. I have it to dose. I might try dosing a little see if it improves.
temp is 77 to 81. I dont test for iodine. I have it to dose. I might try dosing a little see if it improves.

That's a big swing in temp. What's the time frame in between temp swings? You really don't want your temps to swing for then 3 degrees within 12 hours

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the lowest at night it gets is 77.? the highest it ever gets is 82.1. Most of the time it swings between 78 and 81. I have read a lot on temp and from what I have read that swing is normal and even if it got all the way down to 77 and up to 82 it is fine. The oces temp fluctuates as well.
Are polyps out normally and just not extending? If so, congrats, this is normal. If the polyps are closed, and have been closed for more than two weeks, then worry.

they zoas look bloated and the polyps are nubs or like little bumps. Color is good and they are all open just ugly looking.
Zoas not fully open could be one of some of the reason below, if you just bought it from LFS then it needs longer time to adapt to your aquarium condition.

Too much direct flow or low to no flow.
Too much or not enough light
Placement issue: next to agressive coral or too close to other corals.
Acclimated too fast, it will needs time to recover
For how long? They sound healthy and may just need to acclimate.


Text mangled by iPhone spell check...

They have been in the tank for 6+ months. This has been happening for the last couple of weeks. The only thing I have done different in that time is add a power head to the opposite side of the tank from where these are located. I am not positive but I think they looked like this prior to that.
Ok well Friday night I did a 30% WC and I dosed a little bit of iodide. When I got home from work this morning (48 hour shift) about half the Zoa's in the tank had their skirts extended and half still were just little bumps. So Any other suggestions?

SG 1.026
Temp 81
NO3 15
Alk 8
Any changes over the last few weeks? Temps going up can cause temporary reactions like this, as they adjust they come back. You can also try moving them, lighting may have changed, flow, etc .

added a second mp40, changed bulbs, but this was all after I started noticing this. Temp has been the same since the beginning of the tank.