Polyp Extension


New member
I have a small A. Valida colony (about 6" across). I have had it about 2 months. It has nice green polys that extend. I have about 7 other SPS corals in the tank also. I have a 65 gallon with 175 W 10K MH and 2x65 W actinics. Timer on for about 10 hours actinic - 8 hours MH.

Calcium 480 Alk 11 DKH.

I had about 17-18x waterflow, I added a powerhead (about 15" from this coral) yesterday (8X more), but this problem started BEFORE the powerhead.

Now, there is no other coral near it that could be bothering it.

Here is the problem - about 5-6 days ago, it stopped sticking out its nice green polyps... ALL the other SPS have fantastic extention, and are growing like crazy.

Any ideas on why? Nitrates are near zero in the tank, but I had a recent spike to 10 due to my Linkia star dying (got attacked and injured, not sure by what). Nitrates are below 5 again already.

Try to see if anything is bothering the colony (redbugs, a picky fish, etc). Might need to look at it when the lights are off too.
Alkalinity seems to be high. Try getting that to around 7-9 DKH, you alkalinity may have a partial effect on your acro polyps.
what fish are in the tank?
that is not very much flow for sps, might want to add some more flow.
Thanks - lower alkalinity - I will try that ...
Fish in tank - Foxface, powder blue tang, two true perks, Royal Gramma, 3 reef chromis, lawnmower blenny.
None goes anywhere near the coral that I can see.
I just put more flow in, I am going to order another powerhead.
Instead of ordering another powerhead, I'd suggest buying a Tunze or Vortech. Those pumps should replace the powerheads giving you a higher turnover rate at a gentle flow.