Polyps not open


It's Spring!!!!!!!
I have a colony I purchased two or three weeks ago and it has been doing fine until this morning. Now about a third of the polyps are closed or partially open and they look smaller. It doesn't look like it does when it's bothered by a snail or crab. Any ideas?

Try another spot in the tank. How is your dkh and caclium? I have some lunar eclipses and they looked like crap at the bottom. I moved them up into higher lighting and water flow and they look great.
Thanks! It did fine for a couple weeks, but these things seem to happen randomly. I'll try moving it around a bit and see how it does.
It may just be the shock of being moved to a new tank. Give them alittle time. But for starters get them moved higher in the tank as they are really reaching for light...hence the long stems.
pH 8.2
Alk 9
Ca 450
Mg 1400ish

Thanks again! I didn't get a chance to move them up today, but I definately will tomorrow and keep you posted.

After two days of every poly being closed, as of today they are all open. They don't look totally pleased, but at least they're still alive. I'll see how they adjust to the new location. They are about 6" up from the bottom. I didn't want to move them up too far, too fast.