Polyps on Leather not coming out. Anybody have an idea why?


New member
I've had the 3" leather for about 1 and 1/2 weeks now and the no polyps have come out. I have a 24" tall, 65 gallon tank and the leather is placed around 9" high in the tank. I have 192 watts of PC. I leave the daylight bulb on for 8 hours. Why haven't the polyps come out? How much lighting do leathers minimum? The leather has finished "shedding" a thin layer of whatever the coral is made of and it does expand where the polyps are on the coral during the day opposed to during the night when it shrinks a little. My water quality is as follows:

NH3= 0
NO3(1-)=20 ppm
Ca(2+)=420 ppm
pH= 8.0
PO4(3-)= ~0
Not sure but my leather extends and retracts several times each day. As long as it looks healthy give it some time.
I have had a leather that did not open up for 3 months. It looks awesome now. Softies can do this quite often. They will look great and then go through a period of what I call ugliness. It could be because of parameters but it could also be the coral deciding to clean itself off.

Hope this helps and I am sure someone will have something else to say.
Some of them it just takes a while to adjust, but leathers are pretty hardy. As long as it is expanding up and the flesh looks healthy, I wouldn't worry quite yet.

Your light is a tad low, but should be okay. You didn't say what your alkalinity is, which could be a factor. What kind of flow are you giving it? Sometimes you can cheer them up by giving them a little more flow.

If the flesh starts looking discolored or if it starts to turn mushy and not standing up during the day, you need to do something to help it. Otherwise, just make sure it has good flow and give it time to adjust.

I've had the same thing with a sarcophyton that waited 2 weeks to come out and know how you feel.

Good luck!
