polyps only opening half way


New member
so just recently only some of my polyps are not completely opening. here is a pic of what the ones that don't open all the way look like:

<ahref="http://s79.photobucket.com/user/asolitt/media/IMG_2499_zps60tpofgp.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j150/asolitt/IMG_2499_zps60tpofgp.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_2499_zps60tpofgp.jpg"/></a>

the single red people eater was originally attached to the same frag disc as the other three in this picture but it fell off so i glued it down to a separate frag plug. the other three people eaters are fine as you can see.
<ahref="http://s79.photobucket.com/user/asolitt/media/IMG_2504_zpss3ox8w0d.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j150/asolitt/IMG_2504_zpss3ox8w0d.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_2504_zpss3ox8w0d.jpg"/></a>

here is another green people eater frag that is also doing fine.

<ahref="http://s79.photobucket.com/user/asolitt/media/IMG_2502_zps093c3hf5.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j150/asolitt/IMG_2502_zps093c3hf5.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_2502_zps093c3hf5.jpg"/></a>

i just tested all my parameters before i posted this and they are:
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
phosphate: 0
Calcium: 460
Alk: 9
salinity: 1.026
temp: 78 degrees F

My tank is a 28 gallon nano cube by jbj. I'm leaning towards two causes right now. one being that i recently removed the rim of my tank and some tiny plastic and silicone shavings fell into the tank during the process. i would think the silicone used to attach the rim would be aquarium safe but who know it could have been regular silicone. it was black silicone if that means anything. I would imagine that the silicone is aquarium safe though. the other suspicion i have is that I've been seeing some astern starfish in my tank. I know they can sometimes eat zoas but I have not seen them crawling on any of my corals yet, but just because i haven't seen them doing it doesn't mean they aren't. does anyone know if this is what a zoa should look like if asterinas are eating them or what else could be causing this?
thanks in advance for any help