pom pom crab


New member
hey guys, we talked about how a pom pom can regenerate lost limbs, and possibly regain a 2nd anemone (pom pom), here's a couple of pictures of my crab.

The first is only a couple of days after I got him, he must have gotten into a fight and lost an entire arm + anemone.


This one was taken a few days ago, you can see he has since molted and regrown the arm, but more impressively somehow he got his second anemone back!


I'm not sure where the second one came from.. either he split the one that he had and made two, or he found the original second one that he had. I think him finding the original is unlikely, it seems like the anemone would die (especially if it was dropped in the rocks, out of the light). Again, I'm not sure how he got his second anemone back, but he did!