New member
I know someone out there has to have a pom pom xenia problem and is just getting rid of them as they grow out of control...
I would like some if you are that person...

I am looking for 2-3 stalks.

I have some silver looking xenia I don't know if its pom pom or not though. If you would like a pic I can send you one
I have a whole tank of xenia....you have what you need

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12378165#post12378165 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by illal
look its the o' xenia again :p lol j/k
:mad2: :)
illal you want some too.....you know ya do...:)
Man after what happened in my nano, I would be terrified to have that much Xenia in my tank. It's a ticking timebomb if you dip your acros for AEFW. :/
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12378275#post12378275 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Man after what happened in my nano, I would be terrified to have that much Xenia in my tank. It's a ticking timebomb if you dip your acros for AEFW. :/
I have no problems with the xenia....I also dont have any SPS...just softies
wow...Thats a lot of xenia. Well I just want to keep a few stalks isolated on a small rock in the sand. I love thier movement...

Bckane, let me know when could I get come by and pick up some xenia stalks?
i saw a rock of pom pom xenia at an lfs selling for $100, i couldnt believe that they were selling that for so much.
Unfortunately theres always someone new to the hobby and since newbies love the moving action of the xenia they buy it.
But with some experience in the hobby you'll come to find out that there is always someone somewhere with xenia problems and they are willing to practically give the stuff away...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12381710#post12381710 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Unfortunately theres always someone new to the hobby and since newbies love the moving action of the xenia they buy it.
But with some experience in the hobby you'll come to find out that there is always someone somewhere with xenia problems and they are willing to practically give the stuff away...

Not practically, but definitely giving some away............

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12383548#post12383548 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smchais
Aaron, I saw what you were talking about. I thought the same when I saw that rock in the back tank

steve, ha, i was in awe, they get a little rediculous with their pricing sometimes.
what would be the going rate for xenia anyways? $5 a stalk?